
Questa volta vi propongo The NBA,  una canzone scritta da Johaz sulla NBA. Di seguito il testo della canzone e il video per ascoltarla.

Dopo aver ascoltato la canzone, fatemi sapere la vostra opinione! The NBA o I love this game?  Quale canzone preferite? Rispondi al sondaggio “The NBA vs I love this game” presente nella sezione sondaggi. Inoltre se conosci qualche altra canzone riguardante il basket, fammelo sapere commentando questo articolo.


The NBA where they run and gun for fun National Basketball Association.
I love this game 48 minutes of being played 82 games only one team remains.

In the legue i’m like kg for oppertunities.
Got players up like Iverson who shake up
their knees.
It’s automatic with in the 3 weak D can’t hold it, cause when the game time
is one me, gonna clutch like Kobe..
Drop dimes like Ginobli, flashing screens like Wade
Hit the boards like big Shaq before i clear out the lane.
This is more than just a game.
We train for hours.
Hit up the flaps of the land this is bang with Howard, the game is ours.
Hit me when theres 3 seconds left watch my team lock it down like a Ron Artest.
Got a Nash first step, addicted to dishing.
I’m old school on these tools like the Lakers suspicous.
Think of tradition lil homie listen and learn, to the rules of the game …….. get what you earn.
Striving for the ultimate dream at the top of the pile with a championship ring.

The nba where they run gun for fun National Basketball Association i love this game 48 minutes
of being played 82 games only one team remain. (2 times)

It’s game 7 of the Playoffs, the NBA Finals, 6 minutes away for your team first title.
It’s only one quater til your name hangs on idols, preparations everything fundamental vital.
The game is survival never retreat or your defence goes down like the Miami Heat.
When were in south beach, they be showing us love ahead to Boston with GP
rolling on dubs.
With the californian Suns i’m still colder then winter, plus i dominate the post like Yao Ming at the center.
With fame in the picture we strive for the dream at the top of the pile with the championship ring.

The NBA where they run and gun for fun National Basketball Association
i love this game 48 minutes of being played 82 games only one team remains (4 times)

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